The game itself is great.
If the technical aspect was in tact, it would deserve a 4.5/5.
Issues that should have been fixed before it was uploaded:
-The game it poorly optimized and runs very slow on my i-7
-The tutorial is messed up: if you don't place the wall tiles correclty, you cannot complete your shop and there is no BACK of CANCEL button to prevent it, giving the player no other choice then a full game restart.
The other bugs could have been fixed in time.
The game's engine seems to work on a gameclock with a forced framebuffer to 60 (used updateAfterEvent?)
*if this is true, DON'T use that because this messes games up quickly. Use a custom coded frame skip instead.
Another tip: All the graphics are rendered as vectors. The vectors don't seem to be well optimized for all the bunch of stuff going on on screen. At least for the backgrounds, either use a code to draw al vector graphics to a bitmap of simplefy the vector's in details, colors and curves.
Anyway, I'm not the holy Flash guru, but just wanted to share my thoughts.
Hope you read this and take at least some of my critics in account for an awsome 3rd sequal to this game!
-What the game could have been: 4.5/5
-What the game in it's current state deserves: 3/5